

With D-gluconic acid

Cupperpot® is a fertiliser based on copper chelated with D-gluconic acid that boosts the plants' natural defence system against endoparasitic fungi.
Cupperpot® is easily absorbed by the leaves, roots and vegetative parts, acting quickly on the tissues and boosting their resistance.

MODE OF APPLICATION: Do not mix Cupperpot® with basic fertilisers. Do not apply Cupperpot on sensitive crops such as apricot, plum or peach.

Fruit trees: Foliar, 200-250 cc/hl. Make 2 applications at bud swelling and pre-flowering, and a third at 50% leaf fall.
Horticulture: Foliar, 250 cc/hl. Apply 3-4 times every 10 days before the plant starts to grow. Olive grove: Foliar, 250 cc/hl. Apply 1-2 applications in spring and autumn.
Vines and table grapes: Foliar, 250 cc/hl. Apply 2 times every 6-8 days.
Citrus fruit:
Foliar, 250 cc/hl. Apply 2-3 times every 12-15 days. Fertigation: 5L/ha in two applications.

Use only in case of recognised need. Do not exceed recommended doses.

Declared content Wealth P/P
Water-soluble copper (Cu)
6 %
Total copper (Cu) complexed by gluconic acid
6 %
Water-soluble sulphur (S), 100% sulphur trioxide (SO3)
8,4 %
Additional information Value
1,19 Kg/L
2,0 – 3,0
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